Tramaproduction, the company I founded, is the result of forty years of professional experience.
It comes from the practical application of my technical, artistic, and cultural knowledge developed in light of the Ontopsychological method for the pursuit of the best performance for the benefit of human beings.
I play the role of Entrepreneur, Director, Technician and Photographer always bearing in mind that communication is the paramount element for people's well-being, since images and sounds are not only communication supports, but real elements capable of giving shape to reality with their interaction.
For this reason, images and sounds shall be ethically correct and reversible to reality, to create a collective conscience that is an expression of the human ethical criterion, with respect for life and in accordance with the principle of nature.
Alberto Maria Trabucco
My motto is:
Efficiency and Effectiveness
Photograph by Alberto M. Trabucco with details of the painting "Il mare" by Maestro Antonio Meneghetti. Tecnica: Smalto su tela. Misure: 232x230 cm. Anno 2007.